Free reading practice with keys | Parts of a tree - sovathbdm

Free reading practice with keys | Parts of a tree - sovathbdm




True / False Statements

Write T if the statement is true and F is the statement is false.

1. ___T____ Photosynthesis is the process of a plant turning sunlight into food.

2. ___F____  Stem is the lowest part of a tree. 

3. ___T____  Roots are in the ground and they take water to the stem. 

4. ___T____  Trees leaves absorb sunlight for food.

5. ___F____  Bark in not crucial for the tree.

6. ___T____ A trunk is another word for a stem.

7. ___T____ A branch is a smaller part that grows from the stem.

8. ____T___ Seed are produced in fruits.

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